Build Volunteer
Join us for our weekly home build projects where we do everything from demo, installation, trim work and everything in between. We utilize the Civic Champs app to allow interested volunteers to register for projects. The available app can be found at the Apple Store & Android Play Store for download today!
ReStore Volunteers
Our ReStore host volunteers Tuesday – Saturday 10am to 4pm. Our project include everything from sorting, stocking, and assisting our amazing customers, and all of our ReStore efforts help our housing mission grow! We utilize the Civic Champs app to allow interested volunteers to register for projects. You can find the available app at the Apple Store & Android Play Store for download today!
Committee Members
Interested in taking on a role to help Habitat with special projects? Please contact us at info@habitatav,org for information for various committees, including home selection, ReStore task force, fundraising, and home construction.